Lyndon Lloyd

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Lyndon Lloyd

Lyndon is the Chief Writer, Designer, and Developer for the superb, award-winning ToffeeWeb site and also 1878 Magazine.
He set up our original Everton FC Heritage Society website, which ran from 2013-21, and is still our technical consultant when everything crashes around us!

As well as writing for ToffeeWeb, Lyndon also contributes articles to this site, and he also writes occasionally for the Heritage Society page in the Everton matchday magazine.

Lyndon is now into his third decade of web design and there is an interesting page on ToffeeWeb as to how it all came together.

Top: Lyndon on a visit to Goodison and St Luke’s, from his home in the USA, with Rob Sawyer and Brendan Connolly of the EFCHS; and below, receiving his Hall of Fame Award from Blue’s Legend Bob Latchford.