Armistice Day Service, The Fallen of Everton FC Memorial, Goodison Park

[This year, due to the away fixture at Crystal Palace on 11 November, the Armistice Day service was pulled forward to 9 November 2023].
Many thanks are due again to Paul Kelly (right) of Everton FC Heritage Society (supported as ever by his wife Jean), in organising the service, despite a period of very poor health – this is an event they have now organised with dedication for a decade.
The service was conducted by the Reverend Henry Corbett, Chaplain to Everton Football Club
Many thanks to all those who supported the work of Everton FC Heritage Society and participated in the Remembrance Service;- Everton Football Club, Everton in the Community, Tri-Service Toffees, Everton Shareholders Association, the Fans Advisory Board, The Everton Collection (David & Elizabeth France/Lord Granchester), The Former Player’ Foundation, and staff and students of the Everton Free School and Football College.
It was good to see the event so well attended again – many thanks to all the Everton fans and members of the public alike who came to pay their respects.
A full film of the service, produced by Everton FC Heritage Society (click to play)
The Fallen of Everton Football Club
For the current list of the men remembered, plus a download of the booklet, please click the image above

Remembrance Fixture – Everton v Brighton & HA, 4 Nov 2023

Photos and above graphic by Mike Royden EFCHS
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