Tony Onslow

A life-long supporter of Everton, Tony’s love and enthusiasm for the club has driven him to spend hours and hours of painstaking research into the formation and development of Everton Football Club, the history of the game on Merseyside, and to write articles on the biographies of dozens of Everton players, most especially from the pre-First World War period.
Tony has also seen his researches into print:
Tony traces the development of the club from Stanley Park to Anfield then on to Goodison. His search for facts has led him far and wide and the resulting book contains detailed and factual statistics, some long forgotten, illustrations and undiscovered match reports unearthed from some unlikely places. They cover Everton’s participation in the game before the Football League was formed, during the early League, the Lancashire Cup and the FA Cup. It covers the travels of the Everton players and their supporters during the 19th century.
Tonyis also very active in ensuring that former players who have been laid to rest without a grave marker, should be remembered in more fitting circumstances with the dignity of having a headstone or memorial.