Who was the Peruvian Dixie Dean?
Richie Gillham Left to right: Geldard, Dunn, Villanueva, Johnson, Stein (courtesy of the John Rowlands Albert Geldard Collection) Alejandro Villanueva: The Peruvian Legend who Dazzled at Home and Abroad Alejandro Villanueva was one of the most iconic figures in Peruvian football during the heyday of the 1930s. Born on 4 June 1908, in Lima, Villanueva became a symbol of Peruvian football’s golden era during the 1920s and 1930s. Alejandro had many nicknames, including 'Manguera' - a nod to his ability and agility on the pitch with his extraordinary control of a football, and his many outrageous moves. Liverpool Echo, 26…